WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 4-19-14 Protest at Berkeley Law
4-19-14 Protest at Berkeley Law PDF Print E-mail

From Fire John Yoo! | Original Article

Friday April 18 about a dozen activists challenged the appointment of "Torture Professor" John Yoo to head a new imperialist think-tank at UC Berkeley.


The Korea Law Center launch comes on the heels of the U.S. - Korea Free Trade Agreement, which opens up the republic's legal market to U.S. law firms a press release informs, and will enable students to learn about issues vital to Korea's emergence as an economic powerhouse.

The continuing employment of war criminals at universities across the United States threatens to 'normalize' government programs of arbitrary detention, assassination and illegal surveillance, policies deemed necessary to maintain a system of global exploitation and domination.

Protest outside the research center's Inaugural Conference (photo, left) represented a reunion of sorts; participants have been working to 'fire, disbar, and prosecute' John Yoo for years, and are preparing for the annual Berkeley Law demonstration outside the graduation ceremony May 10.

A university that allows a war criminal to teach constitutional and international law courses to the next generation of lawyers and judges under prejudice of 'academic freedom' is protecting war crimes. Faced with the challenge of moral relativism popularized in today's schools, will students find the courage to speak out against the crimes of their government?


That question continues to be raised at Boalt Hall Commencements every year. By refusing to investigate charges of misconduct against John Yoo, Berkeley Law abdicates responsibility for ethical leadership of its students. And assumes complicity in advancing the usurpation of constitutional powers prescribed by the professor's 'Unitary Executive' theory ('if the President does it, it's legal').

End the silence.

Say NO to the culture of violence that enables torture.

Fire, Disbar, and Prosecute John Yoo and All the Torture Lawyers. The world can't wait.

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