By Debra Sweet
President Obama recently announced that the vast NSA spying will continue, with a few restrictions. Edward Snowden and the journalists who are still releasing stories from the files he made available are being called spies and being threatened with assasination by members of the US Congress. Once again, the role of those commiting crimes, and the victims, are reversed. Tuesday, February 11 is The Day We Fight Back against mass surveillance. Organizations, companies and online platforms are joining in to say, "This moment is whatever we, the broad community of people who care about the Internet, make of it. Post a comment with a link to every NSA-related story. Make and share a meme. Build a website. Organize an event. Then
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so we can spread the word."

Some organizations are directing people to support bills in Congress, like the "USA Freedom Act" put forward by James Sensenbrenner, a sponsor of the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001. But, the most decisive factor that the people can take to defeat the outrageous mass surveillance is to build mas resistance, not by "limiting" or "mending" illegitimate actions of the government. HOW INTERNET USERS CAN HELP:
- Visit
- Sign up to indicate that you'll participate and receive updates.
- Sign up to install widgets on websites encouraging its visitors to fight back against surveillance. (These are being finalized in coming days.)
- Use the social media tools on the site to announce your participation.
- Develop memes, tools, websites, and do whatever else you can to participate -- and encourage others to do the same.
We in the US have a government that relies on terror and repression to maintain its rule, here and around the world. We live in a country whose government assassinates thousands with drones. Our government, driven by the relentless pursuit of profit, is plundering the earth, exploiting humanity, and imperiling our planet's very viability. This government tortures people while holding them indefinitely without trial and uses warrantless surveillance over all of us to try to identify those who might pose a threat to their agenda. When Obama talks about “national security” he means securing the US government's right to commit crimes with impunity. A government that commits such crimes should be ridiculed and opposed whenever they tout their supposed “freedom” and “democracy.” Mass surveillance is unacceptable and we must say NO to it. Government officials won't stop this without mass protest. Why should we rely on those who started the crimes to stop those same crimes? We draw inspiration from and stand with Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, the hunger strikers at GTMO and domestic US prisons, and other courageous resisters who have illuminated the truth about what this government does. This is what the U.S government correctly fears. It is on us, the millions of people living in this country, acting together with people around the world, to stand up, tell the truth, and say no. February 11, make it known to the world that we will not accept mass surveillance or any other crime committed by the US Government in the name of “national security."