Shaker Aamer: In Guantánamo, ‘national security’ rides roughshod over human rights
“The language that they use here at Guantánamo reflects how they treat us prisoners. Just the other day, they referred to me as a “package” when they moved me from my cell. This is nothing new. I have been a package for 12 years now. I am a package when en route to Camp Echo, the solitary confinement wing. I am a package en route to a legal call. ‘The package has been picked up … the package has been delivered.’”
Highlights from this week's protests against the 12th anniversary of Guantanamo
150 activists led by Witness Against Torture occupied the atrium of the Smithsonian museum in DC for more than two hours, speaking out against torture and calling for Guantanamo to close.

Hawai'i: On Saturday evening at 6pm, the 12th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Prison, a dozen large photos of Guantanamo detainees lined Waikiki’s busiest street corner. Read more.

Protesters in Yemen called for the release of prisoners held indefinitely by the Obama administration, including some family members of prisoners. More photos including from DC and Miami protests at miamiherald.com.

Protesters at US Southern Command near Miami. More photos at miamiherald.com.

Protesters marched through a downpour in Washington DC to close Guantanamo. More photos at miamiherald.com.

More than 250 people from across England joined a demonstration on Saturday 11 January outside the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square to mark the twelfth anniversary of the opening of the extralegal prison camp at Guantánamo Bay and to call for its closure. Read more.

Chicago protesters braved frigid temperatures and pouring rain to gather and demand the closure of the illegitimate prison. Chicago World Can't Wait.

Dallas protesters got creative and projected this message onto a building.
More news: RT.com: ‘12 years too many’: US activists mark Gitmo anniversary by rallying for closure
Eurasia Review: Groups Protest 12th Anniversary Of Guantánamo Center for Constitutional Rights: Groups Protest 12th Anniversary of Guantánamo