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# Article Title Hits
61 6/23/19 Eight Arrested Doing Civil Resistance: Exposing Hancock AFB Terrorism 2863
62 6/5/19 Kings Bay Plowshares Case Shifts to U.S. District Court for August 7 Hearing 2713
63 4/18/19 Report Back: Shut Down Creech Spring Action 2926
64 4/15/19 The Call to Conscience Committee Takes Aim at Elliott Abrams 3087
65 4/8/19 Kings Bay Plowshares: Peace Activists Face 25 Years for Action at U.S. Nuclear Submarine Base 2860
66 1/24/19 Medea Benjamin Disrupts OAS Meeting with Pompeo Planning Venezuela Coup 2979
67 1/22/19 Guantanamo: More than 6200 Days Since the US Torture Camp Opened 2969
68 10/2/18 Trump Officials Headline Neocon Iran Regime-Change Summit: Pompeo Interupted 3328
69 9-20-18 US Official’s Iran Speech Interrupted: How Did the War With Iraq Turn Out? 3339
70 6-18-18 Historians Protest Petraeus Planned Keynote in Philly 3612
71 4-4-18 Statement from the Kings Bay Plowshares 3723
72 1-25-18 Activists Demand Closure of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center 3675
73 12-11-17 15 Arrested Today at Let Yemen Live! Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the Saudi & U.S. Missions to the United Nations Human Rights Day 4002
74 10-22-17 Celebrities Fasting With the Hunger Striking Guantánamo Prisoners That Donald Trump Is Allowing to Die 4333
75 9-25-17 7 Arrested Delivering War Crimes Indictment to Hancock Reaper Drone Base 3905
76 9-1-17 Protest John Yoo During Poli-Sci Meeting 4051
77 7-3-17 Steven Bradbury 'Just Following Orders'? Or Working an Illegitimate System for Fame and Fortune? 4136
78 6-29-17 4 arrested protesting drones at Iowa Air National Guard 4258
79 6-27-17 Germany Takes Historic Step Away From Weaponizing Drones 4121
80 5-5-17 Demonstrations continue at Beale Air Force Base against drone attacks 4230
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