WCW Home News Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 12-23-16 We Are Taking Action to Stop the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime Before They Come Into Office
12-23-16 We Are Taking Action to Stop the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime Before They Come Into Office PDF Print E-mail

From World Can't Wait


What You Can do Now:

1. During the holidays next week be sure to bring copies of the call to events with family and friends, distribute at movie theaters and shopping malls. Make the NO! symbol your profile picture and get it out everywhere so that NO becomes synonymous with STOP Trump – We Refuse to Accept a Fascist USA. Talk with people about the Call and raise funds to mobilize resistance.

2. Saturday December 31, New Year's' Eve: Join in or plan your own defiant demonstrations and manifestations at Trump properties across the country. Spread #NoFascist2017 on social media. Post your plans.

3. Sat – Mon Jan 14-16: Martin Luther King Weekend join and help organize actions which highlight & raise determined opposition to the white supremacist, American chauvinist, religiously bigoted character of this fascist movement and regime which draw forward everything thus far built and build further. With the greatly heightened terror that Trump and Pence are threatening against Black people in this country, there needs to be a re-sounding NO! heard and felt in the streets of DC and across the country.

4. Inauguration week Tues-Thurs Jan 17-18-19: fill the streets of DC with millions, millions more demonstrate in every major city and small town all over US and the world, demanding that Trump-Pence be prevented from taking office before January 20.

Get involved/VOLUNTEER at:
Twitter: @RefuseFascism


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