WCW Home News Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 10-04-15 Press Conference Calls for Removal of Koocher
10-04-15 Press Conference Calls for Removal of Koocher PDF Print E-mail

By Chicago World Can't Wait

World Can't Wait joined students from Vincentians Against Torture at DePaul last Thursday to call for the removal of the Dean of the College of Science & Health, Gerald Koocher. Koocher is the psychologist named numerous times in the APA's recent Hoffman report as key to providing institutional cover to the immoral, unethical and illegal participation of psychologists in the US military and intelligence torture programs. Speakers at the press conference included Jack O'Brien for Vincentians Against Torture, Jay Becker for World Can't Wait, psychologist Dr. Frank Summers, DePaul Emeritus Professor of Law M. Cherif Bassiouni, and Guantanamo attorney H. Candace Gorman.

Read the coverage from The DePaulia.

Watch NBC news coverage: Students Call for Removal of DePaul Dean Over Interrogation Report.

Add your name to the petition to remove Dean Koocher.

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