WCW Home News Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 12-8-13 Confronting Petraeus' War Party
12-8-13 Confronting Petraeus' War Party PDF Print E-mail

By Debra Sweet

On Monday night, Dec. 2nd, 75 or more of us gathered outside the Pierre Hotel to protest an award to General David Petraeus from the New York HIstorical Society.  NYPD read our emails, and at first only a few cops greeted us, saying that "for tonight, this sidewalk is blocked - you can't stand here" as we circled in front of the hotel entrance.  They blatantly violated our rights, as per usual, pushing and grabbing us to get behind barriers; trying to intimidate people with signs from standing 100 feet away on the corner of 5th Avenue to reach traffic.

David Petraeus has bloody war crimes on his hands.  Thanks to WarCriminalsWatch.org for putting this protest together.

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