WCW Home News Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 5-1-13 3 Protesters Arrested During Demonstration Near Bush Library Dedication
5-1-13 3 Protesters Arrested During Demonstration Near Bush Library Dedication PDF Print E-mail

By Debra Sweet


Bush arrested

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World Can't Wait is very glad hundreds of people demonstrated in Dallas at the opening of the Bush library, a reminder that not everyone has forgotten about Bush's crimes against humanity. From the Dallas News:

“...Others held signs: Does America Have a Conscience? Deconstruct the Lies. Arrest Bush. Library or Lie-bury?

Speakers included longtime Bush foe Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq in 2004. She detoured from a bicycle tour for peace to attend the Thursday event.

‘I’m here because Obama’s here. I’m here because the Bushes are here. I’m here because the Clintons are here,’ she said. ‘These people didn’t escape office free from war crimes.’

Former talk show host Phil Donahue and event organizer Leslie Harris led a slow, silent ‘death march’ down the access road. The Bush and Cheney bobble-heads followed white-masked marchers and a huge banner: “For the sake of the future, demand accountability.’”


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