WCW Home News Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 4-5-12 Report on John Yoo Protest in Santa Monica
4-5-12 Report on John Yoo Protest in Santa Monica PDF Print E-mail

Click here to see photos of the protest outside Lowes Santa Monica Beach Hotel when war criminal John Yoo addressed the Los Angeles World Affairs Council on April 5, 2012.

Report by a participant in the protest:

Five hooded jumpsuited individuals were out in front of Loews Santa
Monica Beach Hotel where John Yoo was speaking at the L.A. World Affairs
Council. We got some honks, and the visual was good for pedestrians
walking with kids to see us. Hopefully kids will ask their parents what we
were doing there. Hotel Security came out asked us to move because we were
making hotel guests uncomfortable. We stood our ground, said we were
exercising free speech, they had a war criminal at an event that night,
and torture is uncomfortable! Construction workers across the street asked
who John Yoo was. One driver going to the event (World Affairs Council)
said we had the right message and he would call John Yoo out .  Another
man came over to talk to me, very interested in John Yoo and other war
criminals and what could be done. I directed him to
www.warcriminalswatch.org and asked him to join and spread the news that
these war criminals should be called out.

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