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# Article Title Hits
861 10-2-14 Obama Decides Civilian Casualities are So Five Minutes Ago 3573
862 10-1-14 Moazzam Begg freed after terrorism case against him collapses 3574
863 10-1-14 Definition of Orwellian: Launching Wars against "Future Enemies" 3313
864 10-1-14 Kissinger Considered Attack on Cuba following Angola Incursion 3145
865 10-1-14 Celebrating the Life of Peace Hero Fred Branfman 3105
866 9-26-14 But Don't We Have to do SOMETHING About ISIS? 3222
867 9-25-14 Center for Constitutional Rights Seeks Information About the U.S. Military’s Use of Depleted Uranium in Iraq 3232
868 9-23-14 The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria 3175
869 9-21-14 Drone Vet Speaks Out: Killer Crafts More Deadly Than Government Admits 3101
870 9-12-14 How the West Created the Islamic State … With a Little Help From Our Friends 6965
871 9-16-14 William Blum on US Foreign Policy 3166
872 9-10-14 Beheading, Bombing & Western Values 3423
873 9-7-14 CIA 'tortured al-Qaeda suspects close to the point of death by drowning them in water-filled baths' 3144
874 9-2-14 Dangerous Plans for More U.S. Bombing, Surveillance, and Troops in Iraq & Syria 3369
875 9-2-14 The Nazis Had Their Law Professors Too, John Yoo 4295
876 8-28-14 Latest on Iraq and Syria 3530
877 8-26-14 Some Good & Surprising News from Bagram Prison 3940
878 8-26-14 Cheney's Legacy: Honesty Still in Short Supply 4943
879 8-22-14 US Recruits Iraq Security 'Advisers' 5612
880 8-21-14 Information Scarce, Warnings Mount as US Expands War in Iraq 3764
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