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# Article Title Hits
581 11-15-16 Mike Pence Will Be the Most Powerful Christian Supremacist in U.S. History 7851
582 11-15-16 How the US justifies drone strikes: targeted killing, secrecy and the law 4624
583 11-14-16 Hague prosecutors say U.S. forces may have committed war crimes 3852
584 11-11-16 Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bush’s Torture Program to Run CIA 5022
585 10-25-16 US Impunity Erodes World Justice 4518
586 10-20-16 Against the No-Fly Zone 4744
587 10-19-16 Supreme Court taking on John Ashcroft 3990
588 10-19-16 Mohamedou Slahi, author of Guantanamo Diary, Arrives home in Mauritania from GTMO 3830
589 10-18-16 Don’t Lose Sight of War Crimes 4206
590 10-13-16 The People Take on Monsanto for Crimes Against Humanity in International Tribunal 4099
591 10-12-16 After Torture, Ex-Detainee Is Still Captive of ‘The Darkness’ 4021
592 10-8-16 How U.S. Torture Left a Legacy of Damaged Minds 4647
593 10-7-16 The United States as Destroyer of Nations 4317
594 10-6-16 Iraq War records reignite debate over US use of depleted uranium 3908
595 10-5-16 CIA officials ordered to testify in lawsuit over torture program 3802
596 10-03-16 A Call from World Can't Wait 3487
597 09-29-16 U.S. Military Is Building a $100 Million Drone Base in Africa 3776
598 09-27-16 Greenland's receding icecap to expose top-secret US nuclear project 3361
599 09-26-16 Some of the Things They Won't Mention Tonight 3975
600 9-23-16 Army Punishes Chelsea Manning With Two Weeks of Solitary Confinement 3545
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