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# Article Title Hits
1521 4-3-11 Updating the Definitive Bagram Prisoner List — 200 Review Board Decisions to Release, Transfer or Detain Added 3329
1522 3-31-11 This is no "Humanitarian Intervention" in Libya 3371
1523 3-30-11 "Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa 4279
1524 3-28-11 Barack "I'd kill for a peace prize" Obama 3281
1525 3-28-11 Libya and The Holy Triumvirate 3273
1526 3-27-11 The Kill Team 3796
1527 3-25-11 Top Bush-era GITMO and Abu Ghraib psychologist is WH's newest appointment 3729
1528 3-22-11 Hersh on "Kill Team" Photographs 3216
1529 3-22-11 Stop Bombing Libya 3436
1530 3-22-11 CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program 3595
1531 3-21-11 Ancient Poison Bears New Fruit: Western Frenzy Grows in Libya 3417
1532 3-21-11 How the US Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around the World 3588
1533 3-16-11 'You can hear Bradley Manning coming because of the chains' 3382
1534 3-14-11 The Abuse of Private Manning 3178
1535 3-14-11 PJ and an accused man's nightwear 3291
1536 3-8-11 Crime and (Disparate) Punishment for US Soldiers 3402
1537 3-8-11 Obama Makes Indefinite Detention and Military Commissions His Own 3548
1538 3-8-11 Gates Announces Extended U.S. Occupation in Afghanistan 3403
1539 3-5-11 Nakedness, Justice and Bradley Manning 4417
1540 3-4-11 Bush's Interrogators Stressed Nudity 3936
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