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# Article Title Hits
1241 7-3-12 No shelter from the drones of infinite justice or the bacteria of enduring freedom 3582
1242 7-3-12 Julian Assange 3011
1243 7-2-12 Bagram detainee case comes before UK's top court 2790
1244 7-1-12 U.S. building Afghanistan a huge $92 million military headquarters 2908
1245 6-30-12 Polish Senator’s Startling New Allegations About the CIA Torture Prison in Poland 3451
1246 6-25-12 Obama’s Killer Drones 3240
1247 6-24-12 Targeted Killings: Obama’s Pragmatic Solution to Failing to Close Guantanamo 3414
1248 6-22-12 Julian Assange and What is at Stake 3281
1249 6-22-12 CIA Wanted 'Torture' Cage for Secret Prison: Official 3370
1250 6-21-12 Julian Assange’s Artful Dodge 3942
1251 6-21-12 Poland shaken by case alleging an illicit CIA prison there 5221
1252 6-20-12 Hope Dies at Guantanamo 3927
1253 6-19-12 U.N. investigator decries U.S. use of killer drones 3319
1254 6-17-12 Russia Bans 11 U.S. Officials Over Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib 3528
1255 6-17-12 Guantanamo’s Goon Squads Still Torturing Under Obama 4252
1256 6-15-12 U.S. court rules for Rumsfeld in Iraq torture suit 4414
1257 6-12-12 Guantanamo Attorney: Supreme Court's Refusal to Hear Habeas Cases Invalidates Landmark 2008 Ruling 4193
1258 6-11-12 Military Global Hawk drone crashes in Maryland 4440
1259 6-11-12 Supreme Court Rejects ‘Dirty Bomber’ Case 3770
1260 6-8-12 Secrecy Games By Prosecution & Government Postpone Bradley Manning’s Trial 3760
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