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# Article Title Hits
1021 8-27-13 Only Worse Suffering and Horrors Can Result from a U.S. Attack on Syria 3193
1022 8-27-13 The Broader Stakes of Syrian Crisis 3414
1023 8-26-13 New War Crimes in Egypt and Syria? 3257
1024 8-26-13 New Details On How U.S. 'Helped Saddam As He Gassed Iran' 3307
1025 8-24-13 DOJ wants Bush, senior cabinet members exempt from Iraq War trial 4121
1026 8-20-13 Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush For Iraq War 4595
1027 8-16-13 Why an Iraqi Single Mom Is Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes 3741
1028 8-15-13 Briefly, on Bradley Manning & Changing the World 3128
1029 8-14-13 Abu Ghraib contractor, accused of human rights abuses, sues former prisoners 3183
1030 8-10-13 After Guantánamo, Another Injustice 3523
1031 8-7-13 The Bradley Manning Trial: A Charade 3031
1032 8-2-13 The Trials of Bradley Manning 3430
1033 7-29-13 From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Today: Reporting American Crimes Against Humanity 3281
1034 7-29-13 Chomsky praises Snowden and condemns US hypocrisy 3158
1035 7-29-13 Holder Promises Snowden Won’t be Tortured? 3159
1036 7-29-13 Collateral Murder in Military Court: Bradley Manning’s Story 3089
1037 7-24-13 Obama’s Fanaticism Over Secrecy, Surveillance and Repression 3493
1038 7-22-13 Leaked Report: High Civilian Death Toll From US Drone Strikes 3772
1039 7-20-13 Elephant in the Room? No, the Whole Trumpeting Herd! 3753
1040 7-20-13 What the New York Times Talks About When It Talks About Drones 4110
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