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# Article Title Hits
1861 10-2-09 Judge's Ruling Means Public May Learn New Details About 5811
1862 9-29-09 Berkeley agrees to UN rights treaties 5285
1863 10-1-09 NLG Open Letter to Holder 5050
1864 9-28-09 Bush Torture Indictment 6886
1865 9-15-09 My Flower to Bush, the Occupier: The Story of My Shoe 5088
1866 9-10-09 The Witness to Guantanamo Project: In-Depth Filmed Interviews of Former Guantanamo Detainees 4490
1867 9-4-09 Ninth Circuit Court rules on John Ashcroft 6281
1868 8-31-09 Law & Disorder Audio Discussion on OIG CIA Report 4960
1869 8-28-09 Bush Tortured 6579
1870 8-26-09 Glenn Greenwald on CIA Interrogation Probe, Obama and Why the Media Failed on Covering Torture 4599
1871 8-25-09 Seven Points on the CIA Report 4304
1872 8-25-09 NYT Editorial: The Torture Papers 3981
1873 8-24-09 First Reactions to Torture Report from CCR Senior Managing Attorney Shayana Kadidal 4107
1874 8-24-09 ACLU on Release of CIA Torture Report 4152
1875 8-24-09 Torture and Academic Freedom 4844
1876 8-22-09 Bombshell report on CIA interrogations is leaked 4548
1877 8-20-09 Blackwater: CIA Assassins? 5737
1878 8-14-09 Cheney's New Gambit 5438
1879 8-9-09 A Talk With Andy Worthington 4383
1880 8-7-09 Admin asks SCOTUS to block photos 4412
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