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# Article Title Hits
161 5/17/21 'Criminal Complicity': Outrage as Biden Pushes $735 Million Weapons Sale to Israel Amid Gaza Slaughter 1703
162 4/28/21 Commission Finds Anti-Black Police Violence Constitutes Crimes Against Humanity 2386
163 4/23/21 Is U.S. Ending the "good" War in Afghanistan? 2119
164 4/20/21 Sharqawi Al Hajj Appears Before Guantánamo Review Board after Multiple Acts of Self-Harm and Suicidal Statements 2390
165 4/17/21 Two Dozen Senators Finally Tell Biden It Is 'Past Time' to Finally Close Guantánamo 2354
166 4/15/21 Biden’s Claim To Be Ending America’s Longest War Misleading 3724
167 4/14/21 Denis Halliday: A Voice of Reason in an Insane World 4084
168 4/10/21 Hunting in Yemen 2038
169 4/7/21 As the Climate Crisis Grows, a Movement Gathers to Make ‘Ecocide’ an International Crime Against the Environment 2191
170 3/22/21 Dirty Business As Usual: New CIA Director Burns Confirmed by Unanimous Vote in Senate 2143
171 3/22/21 Multi-Domain Integration is the new Full-Spectrum Dominance 1991
172 3/9/21 What’s Behind the Biden Administration’s New $100 Billion Nuclear Missile System? 2378
173 3/4/21 Trump & Biden’s Secret Bombing Wars 2521
174 2/28/21 Why I Support an International Treaty to Ban Weaponized Drones and Drone Surveillance 2367
175 2/26/21 Dianna Ortiz, Survivor and Witness of the Guatemalan Genocide (1958-2021) 1754
176 2/25/21 U.S. 'War on Terror' Covered Nearly Half the World in Past 3 Years, This Map Shows Where 1913
177 2/20/21 Report of Illegal $80 Million Arms Transfer by Erik Prince to Libyan Warlord Raises Question of Who's Backing Former Blackwater CEO 2396
178 2/13/22 Yemenis aren't starving. They are BEING starved. 2158
179 2/10/21 Who Are the Ultimate War Profiteers? A U.S. Air Force Veteran Removes the Veil 2392
180 2/8/21 Civil-Liberties Groups Ask Biden Justice Dept. to Drop Julian Assange Case 2141
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