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# Article Title Hits
1261 6-6-12 Colin Powell: Another War Criminal Cashes In 6230
1262 6-6-12 How effective are US drone strikes? 4118
1263 6-5-12 Follow the implications of Obama's "Kill List" 4413
1264 5-30-12 The Moral Challenge of ‘Kill Lists’ 4216
1265 5-30-12 NYT Editorial: Too Much Power for a President 3838
1266 5-29-12 Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will 4443
1267 5-24-12 With Control of Drone Strikes, Is Counterterror Chief John Brennan the U.S. "Assassination Czar"? 4972
1268 5-22-12 John Brennan’s new power 4266
1269 5-22-12 Seepage and Suffering: Obama's Civil War Scenario for Afghanistan 3539
1270 5-21-12 Iraq acquiring drones from US to guard oil installations 3600
1271 5-16-12 As NATO Meets in Chicago, Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn Condemn "Militarized Arm of the 1 Percent" 3462
1272 5-15-12 Drone doctrine of necessity 4477
1273 5-15-12 Victim of Torture and CIA Rendition Gets His First Day in Court — in Europe 5346
1274 5-12-12 Honoring a ‘Terror War’ Architect 8945
1275 5-11-12 'Vomiting and Screaming' in Destroyed Waterboarding Tapes 6274
1276 5-11-12 Bush Found Guilty Of War Crimes 7164
1277 5-4-12 More federal judge abdication 4793
1278 5-3-12 'Beyond Debate' 4166
1279 5-3-12 War in Afghanistan for at Least 12 More Years? 3514
1280 5-2-12 What you need to succeed is sincerity, and if you can fake sincerity you've got it made. (Old Hollywood axiom) 3276
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