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# Article Title Hits
1001 9-30-13 Health Professionals Who Participate in Force-feeding Prisoners on Hunger Strike at Guantanamo Bay Should Lose Professional Licenses, New Study Reveals 4309
1002 9-26-13 US President Embraces US Empire 3697
1003 9-26-13 United Nations... of Drones & Dirty Wars? 3730
1004 9-25-13 Nothing to Celebrate Four Months After Obama’s Promise to Resume Releasing Cleared Prisoners from Guantánamo 4447
1005 9-25-13 Top 45 Lies in Obama's Speech at the U.N. 5168
1006 9-23-13 General Petraeus, War Crimes and Culpability 9259
1007 9-20-13 Their Way or Another Way? 6318
1008 9-19-13 Listen Up: The Crisis In and About Syria is Not Over 4526
1009 9-13-13 Hello… State Dept? Aggressive War is the Supreme War Crime. 4175
1010 9-13-13 “The U.S. military does not do pinpricks” is NOT “We stopped a strike on Syria” 4811
1011 9-11-13 The Tension Between 'Never Forget' and 'Looking Forward, Not Backwards' 3595
1012 9-10-13 We Cannot Give up on Closing Guantanamo 3404
1013 9-4-13 No Matter if Congress Says It’s Legal: Attacking Syria is Immoral, Unjust, Illegitimate 3316
1014 9-4-13 Obama Must Apologize to the Afghan and Iraqi Peoples for the American Use of Chemical Weapons 3356
1015 9-3-13 United States bombings, which can be just as indiscriminate and cruel as poison gas. 3534
1016 9-3-13 Permanent War, 3: False Flags, Possible False Flags, Chemical/Biological Weapons, and Away We Go 3949
1017 8-31-13 Possible Consequences of a U.S. military attack on Syria—Remembering the Marine Barracks destruction in Beirut, 1983 3047
1018 8-30-13 Treaty Obligations, War Crimes and Accountability: A Study in American Hypocrisy 4331
1019 8-29-13 Statement of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Opposing Military Intervention in Syria 2959
1020 8-27-13 Only Worse Suffering and Horrors Can Result from a U.S. Attack on Syria 3171
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