WCW Home News Recent News 9-2-14 Dangerous Plans for More U.S. Bombing, Surveillance, and Troops in Iraq & Syria
9-2-14 Dangerous Plans for More U.S. Bombing, Surveillance, and Troops in Iraq & Syria PDF Print E-mail

By Debra Sweet

The Senators leading the pack of war-dogs, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, opined in The New York Times this week on the need for the U.S. to go all-out in the Middle East:

We must face facts: A comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS would require more troops, assets, resources and time. Such an undertaking should involve Congress. We have consistently advocated revising the Authorization for Use of Military Force that has provided congressional backing for counterterrorism operations since September 2001.

These plans carry with them a repeat, or worse, of the mass death and destruction of society the U.S. carried out in an attempt to control Iraq. That occupation only created the ground on which ISIS and other Islamic fundamentalist responses to imperialism grew. There is ten years of evidence that the U.S. cannot do anything good militarily in the region.

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Revolution shares a comment on events in Iraq & Syria:

Any ideology or set of beliefs that can't stand criticism and denounces people who disagree with it as "heretics," and kills or otherwise seeks to silence those people who disagree with it, is a cowardly and bankrupt ideology and one that nobody should have anything to do with...

Today the representatives of the U.S. express shock and outrage at such tactics. But fundamentally, to the USA and other imperialists, whether or not to support this kind of religious fundamentalist fascism is a matter of taste—their only criterion is whether it works for, or against, how they view their interests in any situation. Think of Saudi Arabia, where the U.S. has used massive weaponry and political support to reinforce a reactionary religious state which goes so far as to forbid women the right to drive! And, quiet as it's kept today, check out the way in which the U.S. bankrolled and gave military support to Osama bin-Laden and other forces like him in Afghanistan in the 1980s, when that suited their interests.

“The Unseenery is Lovely,” above, by Dwayne Booth (Mr. Fish), an award-winning cartoonist and writer whose work has appeared in numerous magazines and on websites across the country and internationally. He is also the author of Go Fish: How to Win Contempt and Influence People, as well as a forthcoming book on art as commentary, due out this month. To see more of his work visit his website, clowncrack.com.

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