WCW Home News Recent News 2-11-14 The Essence of the U.S. Drone War = Targeted Assassination Squad Promoting Empire
2-11-14 The Essence of the U.S. Drone War = Targeted Assassination Squad Promoting Empire PDF Print E-mail

By Debra Sweet

The Associated Press revealed today that the Obama administration is considering killing an unnamed American citizen who they say is an al Qaeda operative in an unnamed country.  The AP says “the Obama administration is wrestling with whether to kill him with a drone strike and how to do so legally under its new stricter targeting policy issued last year. The CIA drones watching him cannot strike because he's a U.S. citizen and the Justice Department must build a case against him, a task it hasn't completed.”

David Swanson responds with, Is a Policy a Law? Is Murder Murder?

Glenn Greenwald & Jeremy Scahill wrote for the premier issue of their new website The Intercept:
The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program
Kareen Khan showing his relatives killed by the US
Kareem Khan showing his relatives killed by the U.S.
Alert from Reprieve:
“A drone victim who was due to travel to Europe this week to give evidence to parliamentarians was detained on 5 February by unknown elements of the Pakistani police and has not been seen since, according to his family.  

“Kareem Khan, who is also involved in legal proceedings against the Pakistani Government concerning their failure to investigate the deaths of his son and brother in a drone strike, was seized in the early hours at his home in Rawalpindi by 15-20 men in police uniform and plain clothes, say witnesses.

“The men did not disclose their identities and no reason was given for the detention. Mr. Khan’s wife and young children were present at the time, as was a neighbour. ”
Code Pink put together a petition to the Pakistani government.Please sign and share widely! We'll be delivering it to the Pakistani Embassy soon.
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