4-23-13 Call to Support Guantanamo Hunger Strikers Print

By Debra Sweet

I must ask: Are we doing enough to create a political situation where the Obama administration is forced to release those GTMO prisoners cleared; charge and try those they are holding indefinitely, and finally — after more than four years — close the prison camp?

A relatively small number of people, from World Can't Wait, Witness Against Torture, Amnesty International, and others, are on the streets constantly in orange jumpsuits. Other are signing petitions, writing letters to prisoners. All these are very important.

But we must do things which get the attention of millions.
We have some ideas, and will announce a plan soon. But we need your input. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Today, a dozen people protested at Federal Court in Manhattan, and were arrested. Thanks Witness Against Torture! See the story and more photos.

Carol Rosenberg, reporting all these years for the Miami Herald, was on PBS New Hours tonight and wrote Prison hunger strike holds at just over half Guantánamo's prisoners.

Kevin Gostzola: British Prisoner Shaker Aamer May Die in Guantanamo Because of Secret Detention Deal.

Listen to Andy Worthington Friday on Pacifica stations KPFA and KPFK.

Orange alert!

RibbonOrange armbands, ribbons and orange tape can be worn and distributed to spread conversations, information and resistance to Guantanamo.

Some of you have asked where to get orange jumpsuits to stage the visually dramatic protests you've seen in pictures. 

Write to us if you need these materials. We are going to distribute what we can.